The visual power of flowers is undisputed. When displayed in a prominent, well lit location, flowers sell themselves. The primary department should be located in the store entrance area before check out, where it can be easily accessed by shopping carts. A secondary location works best near the check stands. Avoiding heating vents, drafts and direct sunlight can save money in lost inventory. Full spectrum lighting and plenty of it has always proved a solvent investment.
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Grouping gift-related items such as cards, candles and decorative accessories near the floral department creates a strategic alliance that can lead to increased sales in both categories.
With all their natural variations of size, shape and color, flower displays can easily take on a jumbled look. Our training program teaches the core concept in floral merchandising: less is more. That is, when you have purchased larger quantities of fewer items, then the technique of blocking is more easily achieved. Blocking means grouping like items or colors in a mass. A color driven display groups together complementary colors making it easy for shoppers to find pleasing combinations.
Visual impact is increased also by maintaining identical flower heights by row, with the shortest product on the lowest tier, graduating to the tallest product on the highest tier. This creates what we call “clean lines.” Although it may require the extra work of trimming stems evenly, the orderly look projects a well-kept image.
A display platform that is both simple and sophisticated can be achieved with our unfinished wood crate cubes and galvanized metal containers. We supply these at a reasonable cost so you can benefit from the flexibility of a modular display system, one that can be reconfigured to adapt to seasonal product changes. We can also offer our expertise on the value of refrigerated displays.
Although ASA offers bar coding and pricing of products at our suggested retail of 50% mark-up, every product, without exception, should be signed. Laminated signage, with a labeller, works best. We also have custom pricing for ads and specials, including individual bouquet name labelling.